El Poder de la Música/The Power of Music

1.  «Una manera prodigiosa de mejorar «(1/2), por Juan-M. Dupuis

«La música es un elemento fundamental en mi vida.

Escogerla bien, y escucharla en buenas condiciones, permite curar algunos problemas de salud, pero también vivir más tranquilo, tener más energía, ser más agradable con los demás, tomar decisiones en mejores condiciones e incluso ser más inteligente.»

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2.  «Una manera prodigiosa de mejorar «(2/2), por Juan-M. Dupuis

«…la música tiene el poder increíble de devolver el sentido a nuestra vida. Gracias a ella, redescubrimos por qué vivimos: porque percibimos directamente la belleza y la intensidad de nuestra existencia, por mucho que a menudo ésta sea desoladora. La música, sencillamente, nos permite vivir, o devolvernos la vida si estaba a punto de irse.

 `Dime qué música escuchas y te diré quién eres o, más bien, a dónde perteneces´, afirmaba la gran pianista Elizabeth Sombart.

 Al encontrar un propósito y un sentido en la vida, nuestro espíritu y nuestro cuerpo vuelven a funcionar. En definitiva, esto va mucho más allá de la “simple” cura de una enfermedad, aunque dicho efecto sea ya de por si formidable.»

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3. «Using Music to Close the Academic Gap», by Lori Miller Kase

This article present different studies on the cognitive advantages of learning instruments at early ages

Some extracts from the article:

«Playing a piece of music involves the auditory, visual, motor and emotional centers of the brain. In fact, according to Dr. Norman Weinberger, research professor of neurobiology and behavior at the University of California, Irvine, brain scans reveal that there is more activity in the brain during a musical performance than there is during most other activities.»

«Not only does music-making activate many different regions of the brain, but it can actually help to shape the brain itself. “We now know the brain is an organ that changes with experience,” Patel says, “and music has an impact on brain structure.” That impact appears to be strongest when music training begins in early childhood, when the brain is developing the most rapidly and multiple new connections are being formed. According to Patel, children’s brains show evidence of faster development when they are learning to play an instrument.»

«What’s more surprising is that music training actually enhances the way the brain processes language.»

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4.»Music Generates New Brain Neurons», by Barbara Minton

This articles presents the enormous benefits to the Nervous System that Music offers in both adults and children.

Some extracts from the article:

«The famed opera singer Luciano Pavarotti said, “If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them.” Music affects mood, concentration, creativity, and influences the ability to learn.

Neuronal connections in the brain of the infant and young child are formed through experiences and strengthened through repetitions until predictable pathways of processing are established. Once these pathways are formed, it is as though they are hardwired and cannot be changed without much effort. Music is essential to the developing brain as it helps to create and strengthen more neural connections that allow for auditory processing. The act of processing music stimuli elaborates the neural connections in the brain, influencing processing of auditory stimuli over the lifetime.»

«The brain grows in response to musical training in the way a muscle responds to exercise. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston discovered that male musicians have larger brains than men who have not had extensive musical training. Their cerebellums, the part of the brain containing 70 percent of the total brain’s neurons, was 5 percent larger in expert male musicians.

Music has the power to affect neural activity no matter where researchers looked in the brain, from primitive regions found in animals to more recently evolved areas thought to be strictly human, such as the frontal lobes. Harmony, melody and rhythm invoke distinct patterns of brain activity.»

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5.»Music And Study: How To Focus Your Mind», by Naturesoundretreat

Very comprehensive article about the effects of music to focus our mind.

Some extracts from the article:

«There are numerous benefits to listening to music while working and studying, as well as enhancing your focus.

Music has been proven to improve your mood, increase your levels of motivation, boost concentration levels, enhance your brain stimulation, and relieve fatigue.»

«Playing music while studying not only elevates your mood, but also increases your levels of motivation, boosts your ability to concentrate, enhances your memory, and helps you to manage fatigue.»

It is very good the video section in the web of Nature Sound Retreat, a very wide list of meditation music and nature sounds.

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